Saturday, December 6, 2008


The event, held in association with EFG-Hermes and supported by the Egyptian Exchange, will enable members of the London-based and international investment community to meet with senior representatives of 11 Egyptian companies participating in the event. The event will also feature a keynote address by Egypt's Minister of Investment, Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, who will open the London Stock Exchange's markets on the day.

Unprecedented investor interest has seen the traditional Capital Markets Day format extended to two days, to accommodate over 200 meetings between the 11 Egyptian companies in attendance and existing and potential institutional investors.

Speaking ahead of the event, Massimo Capuano, Deputy Chief Executive of London Stock Exchange Group, said:

'We are delighted to be hosting our first Egypt Capital Markets Day. As a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Egyptian Exchange I have seen the unique investment opportunities Egypt presents first-hand. I am delighted that the London Stock Exchange is able to facilitate over 200 individual investor meetings between some of Egypt's leading companies and London's unrivalled pool of international investors.'

Five of the firms attending the event are quoted on the London Stock Exchange's markets. London continues to be the international market of choice for ambitious Egyptian companies looking to access an unrivalled pool of global investment capital and use the liquidity and international profile of a London listing to expand their businesses globally.

There are currently a total of 10 Egyptian companies on the London Stock Exchange's markets, with a combined market cap of £2.4bn. In total Egyptian companies have raised over £800m through listings on the London Stock Exchange. Trading in the secondary market also remains strong, with over $15bn worth of trading in Egyptian securities on the Exchange's International Order Book so far this year, a 13% increase on the same period last year.

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